Aristotle and Metaphysics by Tang Zhuo, 132 x 210 cm, Oil on Canvas, 2021
亚里士多德(Aristotle前384~前322)希腊哲学集大成者。于公元前335年创办吕克昂学园,著作及及伦理学、形而上学、心理学、法律等诸多方面。亚里士多德和荀子这两位中西方的圣哲都注重人道德伦理的培养,都认为人德性的养成是在后天的社会实践中生成。荀子采用直接论证的方式, 抑恶扬善,解诸子之蔽,取道、法、名诸家思想精华为一体。亚里士多德在《形而上学》中讲恶是事物未达成应有的善而呈现出的状态,他用思辨推理的方式, 阐示人避恶趋善。《形而上学》是对泰勒斯以来的古希腊哲学发展的历史性总结,被誉为世界第一部哲学教科书。
Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) was a master of Greek philosophy. He founded the school of Lykeion (the Peripatetic School) in 335 B.C. and wrote on ethics, metaphysics, psychology, law, and many other subjects. Both Aristotle and Xunzi, the two sages of China and the West respectively, focused on the moral and ethical cultivation of human beings, and both believed that the cultivation of human virtues is generated through social practice in the later life. Xunzi employed direct argumentation to suppress evil and promote good, and to unlock the secrets of the sages, taking the essence of the ideas of Daoism, the Legalist school, and Logicians into one. In his Metaphysics, Aristotle spoke of evil as a state in which things are not as good as they ought to be, and he employed discursive reasoning to show that man avoids evil and strives for good. The Metaphysics is a historical summary of the development of ancient Greek philosophy since Thales and is regarded as the world’s first philosophy textbook.
In the painting, Aristotle in his ancient Greek himation costume, with the stately gates of the school of Lykeion behind him, is holding in one hand the Metaphysics, also known as the First Philosophy, which is a discursive philosophy, and in the other pointing towards the earth as he strolls wisely through his thoughts. The Parthenon is clearly visible in the distance, and the painter has depicted the figures in a sparse and dense manner, their continuous, free-flowing pleated lines gentle and heavy, showing the winding and natural draping of the garments, reflecting man’s reverence for nature and respect for humanity.