Locke’s "Chinese Notes"
作为英国经验主义的代表人物,约翰·洛克(John Locke,1623—1704)是启蒙时代最具影响力的思想家之一。
洛克晚年亲笔手书的“中国笔记”围绕“礼仪之争”这一背景,以中国人的信仰为中心,具体讨论了“中国的宗教”“中国的神学、理、太极”“精神和人类灵魂”等13 个主题,对于洛克而言,中国哲学为打破西方哲学传统的二元对立提供了全新的方向和可能,因而直至他生命中的最后几年,他对中国的关注仍在继续。此外,洛克在其私人藏书中广泛收集了大量关于中国的著述,这同样印证了这位伟大的启蒙思想家终其一生都对中国文化怀有极大的兴趣。
As a representative of British empiricism, John Locke (1623–1704) was one of the most influential ideologists of the Age of Enlightenment.
Locke’s "Chinese Notes" were written in his later years with "the ritual dispute" background focusing on the Chinese people's beliefs and, more specifically, discussing 13 themes including "Chinese religion", "Chinese theology, Taoist, Taiji" and "spirit and human soul". Locke believed that Chinese philosophy provided a new direction and the possibility of breaking the binary opposition of Western philosophical traditions. Consequently, his attention towards China continued until the last few years of his life. In addition, Locke’s private collections included a large and extensive number of writings about China. These confirm, also that throughout his life, this great Enlightenment ideologist maintained a deep interest of Chinese culture.